Academic Catalog

Cert. of Adv. Graduate Study (CAGS)

CAGS 806 Review of the Field in Educational Administration3 cr

Provides an overview of the current research basis for issues in Educational Administration. Historical and contemporary works will be reviewed across several Educational Administrative perspectives dealing with topics such as leadership, decision making, finance, organizational culture/structures, personnel, decision making, copying with change, Federal and State Governments and issues of local control, among other topics.

CAGS 902 Seminar II3 cr

Provides students opportunities for synthesis of their overall program by offering a forum in which students may discuss and integrate their experiences in the CAGS program, their knowledge of schools, and their skills in research so that they will be better prepared to deal with the issues of improving teaching and learning. This experience will also guide students through their culminating project in the CAGS program.

CAGS 981 Action Research Seminar3-6 cr

Provides background, theory, issues, design and implementation of an action research project employed in the study of an educational problem. Required of all CAGS candidates, this course meets regularly and includes formal presentations, group discussions, and individual advising regarding theories, methods, analyses, and purpose of action research.

Repeatable: Maximum of 6 credits