Academic Catalog

Education Special Education (EDSE)

EDSE 622 Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Instruction3 cr

The content of the course will be based upon MA 603 CMR 7.06 (25) (d.) with specific emphasis on assuring each child academic and behavioral supports to maintain them in the regular education classroom. Topics to be covered will include the design or modification of curriculum, instructional materials and general education classroom environments, together with ways to prepare and maintain the in those classrooms using various behavioral assessments and techniques.

EDSE 623 Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Instructor Pre-Practicum1 cr

Provides field based learning opportunities in Curriculum Development, Assessment and Instruction. To be taken concurrently with EDSE 622. Each student arranges to spend a minimum of twenty-five hours in the field investigating and completing activities for this purpose.

Corequisite: EDSE 522  
EDSE 624 Collaboration and Consultation3 cr

The content of this course will be based upon Massachusetts 603 CMR 7.08 (b) & (e), specifically how one collaborates with colleagues to improve instruction, assessment and student achievement of students with moderate disabilities and works actively to involve parents in their child's academic activities and performance, and communicates clearly with them. Co-teaching, consulting-teaching, and trainer-of-trainers models with be addressed.

EDSE 625 Collaboration and Consult Prep1 cr

Provides field based learning opportunities in Collaboration and Consultation and is to be taken concurrently with EDSE 624. Each student arranges to spend a minimum of twenty-five hours in the field investigating and completing activities for this purpose.

Corequisite: EDSE 624  
EDSE 626 Assessment with Exceptional Learners3 cr

Focuses on assessment as radical listening for the voices and choices of students with disabilities and their families in PK-12 schools. Includes investigation and utilization of formal and informal tools to understand the role of assessment in the special education process and its potential for advocacy in providing students special education process and its potential for advocacy in providing students with disabilities access to the general curriculum in the least restrictive environment. Includes focus on practical experience with students in PK-12 settings.

Prerequisite: EDUC 630  
EDSE 630 Assessment of Learning Problems/IEP's3 cr

Assessment and Educational planning for students with special needs are developed on the basis of identification and on-going evaluation. Emphasis is on formal and informal screening and assessment, design of Individual Education Plans, and an understanding of the interactional aspects of learning problems.

EDSE 631 Assmnt Lrng Problems/IEP's Pre1 cr

Provides opportunities for students to gain field experience in assessment interpreting results and developing IEP's. Requires a minimum of 25 hours of field experience.

Corequisite: EDSE 630  
EDSE 634 Special Education Topics1-4 cr

Examines topics relevant to special education. Emphasis is on special education appropriate and relevant for Elementary, Middle and/or Secondary school teachers. Not open to undergraduate students.

Prerequisite: Instructor approval  
Repeatable: Unlimited Credits  
EDSE 701 Internship Seminar3 cr

While engaged in the practicum semester candidates have a need to be reflective of this experience. Under the guidance of an experienced Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts mentor, this seminar provides student with opportunities to share and to reflect on their efforts to successfully merge theory and practice. To be taken concurrently with EDSE Internship.

Prerequisite: Department approval, earned Bachelor's degree, EDUC 702  
Corequisite: EDSE 710 or 711  
EDSE 710 Moderate Disabilities Internship6 cr

Under the supervision of a licensed special educator, students carry out teaching activities in diverse settings, including special education classrooms, general education classrooms, and resource rooms; design and adapt curriculum and instructor, carry out academic and behavioral assessments, help to select assistive technology, and participate in meetings and collaboration with family members, specialists, and others. Requires half-time commitment over a full teaching year. This course will be graded on a pass/fail basis.

EDSE 711 Moderate Disabilities Practicum6 cr

Under the supervision of a licensed special educator, students carry out teaching activities in diverse settings, including special education classrooms, general education classrooms, and resource rooms; design and adapt curriculum and instruction, carry out academic and behavioral assessments, help to select assistive technology, and participate in meetings and collaboration with family members, specialists, and others. Requires a full-time commitment for one semester. This course will be graded on a pass/fail basis.

EDSE 718 Moderate Disabilities Half Practicum3 cr

The 3-credit Moderate Disabilities half-practicum occurs for a semester and includes substantial duties in the role of Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities. Licensure candidates must maintain a log of their experiences and demonstrate that they have met or exceeded the recommended hour requirements of responsibilities as a special education teacher as set forth in the Regulations for Educator Licensure. This course will be graded on a pass/fail basis.

Prerequisite: Department approval