Academic Catalog

Civic Learning Designation

In 2014, the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education called on campuses to make Civic Learning an “expected outcome” for their undergraduates. In adopting this policy, MCLA adopts the Board’s definition of Civic Learning, as outlined in Department of Higher Education memo, Guidance for Designating “Civic Learning” Courses, dated February 12, 2016. In order to achieve this designation, any course must meet the definition set therein, and must demonstrate this through the following process.

Process to assign civic learning designation to a course:

  1. Submission directly to the Curriculum Committee of the civic learning designation course form by the department
  2. Review and approval of the designation by the Curriculum Committee
  3. Notification to the All College Committee of the approval (ACC will not vote on any civic learning designations)
  4. The course designation will be entered into inventory