Academic Catalog

Course Numbering System

Courses are numbered according to the code below. Courses from 100-299 are lower-division courses. Courses number 300 and above are upper-division courses and call for more advanced work. In general, the higher the course number the more sophisticated the work required. Students must complete at least 39 credits of upper-division work in order to graduate. 

100-150  First-year/introductory courses
151-299  Normally sophomore-level courses
300-399  Courses requiring a level of work expected of juniors
400-499  Courses requiring a level of work expected of seniors
500-599  Field experience: independent study, internships, student teaching

In general, the higher the course number, the more likely the listing of a prerequisite to successfully perform well in the course. A content or skill prerequisite might be listed where prior conceptual knowledge or an ability level is crucial for success. Other examples of prerequisites might be completion of core courses or an indication of required class status, such as a junior or senior. Courses list prerequisites that are appropriate indicators of the level of preparation needed.